Published Tuesday, February 28, 2006 by Eric Floyd.

Sunday marked the First Race of the 2006 Indie series. A couple guys from BBTC (Erik A, Travis F) and myself decided that we wanted to go out and try this series. So we carpooled over to Belfair, Washington and arrived about 2 hours before our race. I have been training but not as hard as I should have. It is the Winter so I'll take what ever traing I can get. WE met up with some other BBTC people (Doug C, Nando B, Bill H, and Ross W) and watched the experts take off for their race. Once we got registered we suited up and started to warm up. There were about 200 people at the race so there we bikes everywhere. I rode my specialized which is about 10 pounds lighter than my nomad. We Warmed up on a small hill and spun around some fireroads. I was racing in the Sport 30-39 category Travis and Erik were racing in the Clydes category. The Single speeds went off first. Two minutes Later the 19-29, than the Clydes, than My group. The course went up the hill we warmed up on and than on to some rolling singletrack. The Pace was pretty fast and I started to feel it in my stomach. On the second hill I caught up to Erik A but I my stomach was now really hurting. I rode for a little while and he passed me again so I followed as close to him as I could. We rode for a couple of more miles together and finally I worked throughout my stomach cramps. (Mental Note: Warm up more, Forget all the supplement Bullshit, It always makes me sick) Erik Let me Pass and I started to feel real good. The course was a good mix of Single track, uphill, Fast Downhills with Berms and Some Rooty and Slick sections. Before I left Erik, Doug, Nando, and Bill who raced the 40 and 50 year old cat passed us. My goal was to catch them. I started to pass quite a few people especially on the downhills. About 5 minutes after I left Erik and caught Travis. I worked my away around him and started to lay the hammer down. I was riding with a girl who seemed to have a great pace and we worked the last part of the first lap together. Ok, now the first lap is over, I know what to expect on the second and final lap. I still haven't seen any of the other guys so I push a bit harder. It starts to rain so things are getting slicker. About halfway through the second Lap I get a glimpse of Bill rounding a corner but he is still a ways ahead. I decide that I have to catch him. I feel great now and wish I would have warmed up a lot more. My breathing is super clear and I feel like I have a lot of Power. I Finally catch Bill and We pass a series of Riders together and we start the final Downhill when he says that the rider in front of us is in his Category and he has to pass him. I gave Bill Some encouraging words and we pass the guys like he's standing still. We pushed really hard to the finish line and I just edged him out by a few inches (although Bill started after me so his time was 2 minutes better than mine) I love the sections I rode with Bill we were Flying. The Race was really good and I can't wait for the Next one at whidbey Island. I finished in 25th place out of 37 riders in my Category. Not really good but I wasn't Last. Next Race I will Warm up more!!!
Published Monday, February 20, 2006 by Eric Floyd.

I have been riding the Trainer almost every night. So todays ride was not too bad. I rode Tokul West yesterday and it was nice but quite lonley. 17 riders took off at 10:00am with overcast skies... Tin cups was the start with some tech stunt features and Hard and Packed trails. A really nice change to the Mud. The ride broke into two groups on the way to Ed's woods (not on purpose) and the first group finally met up with the second after riding most of Ed's
Woods. Finished all of the trails in Ed's Woods and Headed over to TNT and took some time at the BIG Rock. Rode toy trail and some others that I don't know the name of. Two mech's, Light Snow and Rain at the end of the ride, and a great time. Thanks everyone for a great time and a great ride!!! Just about 3.5 hours. Next ride is Tolt on Tuesday Follwed by a few trainer rides and then a race at Belfair on Sunday. I will update.
Published Friday, February 10, 2006 by Eric Floyd.
Alright I broke Down and Got an Indoor Trainer. With all of the rain I couldn't help it. A good buddy of mine sings the praises of his trainer sessions so I gave in. I purchased a Kurt Kinetic Trainer. Lots of good Reviews and it came via UPS yesterday. Tonight was my first ride on it. The unit was shipped with a DVD Video Spinervals Time Saver I and I popped it in and went for the "Workout B" Tempo Time Trial section. This was rated at 9.5 out of 10. I got on the bike and started the warm up. No Problems and the trainer is really solid. After the warm up, there are 7 90 sec intervals at full power with 90sec rests in between. I started and felt real good but my DVD player really sucks and pauses all the time so 90 secs becomes 120 or there about. By the end of the DVD that was suppose to be a 30 min workout it had become an hour. None the Less it was a great workout. I was sweating like crazy. I need to get a New DVD Player or Just use my computer.
On another note I replaced my Alexrims FR/DH BH Wheel set with a Pair of Mavic DeeMax Wheels. I got a Screaming Deal on the Wheels and am pretty stoked to Have such a burly set of wheel for the Nomad.
Published Wednesday, February 08, 2006 by Eric Floyd.

A few Days of Clear Weather? The GF and I Jumped on this Opp and Camped Out At Fort Ebey on Mon and Tues. What a great place this is!! Rode Yesterday afternoon...So nice to ride three hours without rain!! Trails are dry and Buff! Took a Short Night ride too... Took some nice Sunset Pics. Campground Is great!!

Made Egg rolls from scratch with homemade Soba Noodles and Sweet Chili Sauce. My GF and I Watched "The Collective" Mountain Bike Video and had some really nice beers.

We also Had a great Camp Fire. Woke up early and rode for a couple hours, then broke camp and Headed to Tolt for a night Ride. Ebey is a great place and I will defiantly head back There! Thanks to my Gf for the great Pics! Pics are posted on the BBTC website.