Finally Back...
Published Monday, July 02, 2007 by Eric Floyd | E-mail this post

Well it's been almost a year!!! Finally got my old account to activate.
Now let me update my life...Bought a condo in Bothell, commuting on the Bike from seattle to bothell and Bought a Full blown Downhill bike..I am really making the transfer from cross country to freeride and down hill. I've been to whistler and it is amazing!!! The Down Bike is an Ironhorse Sunday woth a FOX 40Rc2 and really rocks!!! I did two Shuttle days out in Port Angeles and they were awesome!!!
Here is my Latest report....
This was my fourth ride at Galbraith and by far the Best. Justin B, Daniel and I headed out under Sunny skies, Dry trails and by far the the best Stunt conditions I've seen there. I'm sure many of you know that the ridge trail is now rerouted through a neighborhood and still a grind to get up. I really sucked wind on my free ride rig and it was sunny hot!! We rode Cedar Dust and sessioned all of the goodness multiple times. No quick cross country ride through this time. Pure tech fun. Up Daryl's Death Climb and through Kung Fu for some more good times at least for some of us. We headed up to the towers and regrouped. Thanks guys for waiting for my slow ass. Then it was on with a local tour guide to get us to the best freeride goods that Galby had to offer. Evolution with it's drops and the Rollercoaster Giant Cedar to Rollercoaster to Huge kicker and Scorpion's new trail extension and long ladders, Gaps, and drops with "SUPER STEEP" Switchbacks . Then it was off to the New "Pump Trail with multiple doubles, berms, and booters with a few log rides thrown in...The Log ride at the end when it's complete will be sick. Super smooth and tech....Then off to Mullet for some cross country to freeride fun...Great trail with lots of great tech and a suspension bridge for an overall fun time. The next trail was 911 with some bridges, Tech Logs, mid size Booters and Drops and overall fast, Hold on to your pants great times...This Trail ROcks... Traversed back to CedarDust, ate shit on one of the Ladderbridges, and ended up at the Entrance to Bob's.
Bob's was in the best shape I've seen it, Super fast, Great tech..Awesome drops and overall Greatness...What a way to end a great trip at Galby...This Place rocks and this loop was amazing!!! Going back next week if anyone wants to come...Drop me an email!!
Eric Floyd
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