Tiger Opens !!!
Published Wednesday, April 19, 2006 by Eric Floyd | E-mail this post

Nathan and I Left the Lower Tiger Parking lot/ Pond Area (I Always can Tell what the trails will be like by the amount of water in the Parking lot Pools) around 11:15. The weather was beautiful and everything seemed nice. It was great to get back to Tiger. We headed Out NW Timber and it was fairly dry. The Retaining wall that BBTC has been working on looked great and we soon arrived at the end of NW Timber. Very nice ride. We Saw a Wild turkey on the way over to Preston and that was a sight as I have never seen a wild turkey and was quite afraid as the number of his brothers that I have cooked in my kitchen is staggering! Anyway, We arrived at Preston and took a small break and then Headed up. I forgot to mention that Nathan was on a Single speed and was Just amazing! Preston was in great shape and the New work Looked great on the trail. There were four Tree falls on the way up that either need to be cleared or were placed there on purpose. I don't know? Other than those trees everything looked like it was draining very well. I've seen Preston wetter. We arrived up top and Took a small break and Than continued to head back down the way we came. I was On my Nomad and Nate on his SS and we were Flying. The Nomad was amazing and really loved the New bike. Preston was slow in places due to water and mud but Bone dry in others. Great time for 4 miles and we headed over to Nw Timber to Finish the ride. The Sun was out and it didn't Rain. It was great to get back to tiger and we had a great Time...Total Miles around 17 and nothing but good Times!!!
Great work!
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