There was a small Time Trial with the BBTC Riders on Saturday at Tolt. Had A Really Good time and Finshed in 6th place out of twenty riders. I raced on my specialized and after riding the Nomad for so long I was not used to it anymore. It's much lighter and doesnt track as well. It climbs better on extended climbs but not on short tech climbs. Just two different bikes. After a little warm up we were about to start. Some how I went out second. When I went to get a place card all of the places were taken execpt for the first two. Oh well, I liked the pressure but I thought it was funny how people called there places out so quickly. We started out in 2 min intervals and I was underway. Felt pretty good and about 10 mins in hit my pace and felt real good. The course was nice but some spots were hard to find and I had to slow down thinking I had missed the turn. I never got off course but still would have loved to roll the course prior to the race. I think this would have helped quite a bit. Most of the races I have been seeing lately all have pre race course rides and most of the riders seemed to be doing that. Anyway, about halfway through I crashed on a log and Slammed my knee so HARD! I got up and The pain was immence. I pushed through the rest of the course and my knee felt better but still I was in Pain. After the race we rolled the course again. It was a really nice course but still I thought It need to marked a bit better. On the second time on the course we Missed a turn and lost some time. Still a nice Roll Though. Got back from a great ride and Headed to work.

Well, After Crashing pretty hard at the time trial at Tolt on Saturday and My Knee was quite swollen Sunday morning. I decided to Not race but go and take pictures.
Got to the race about 2:00 and was able to get some images of Nando, Bill, Casey, Ross, and Doug C. Quite a turn out. I really missed racing but had a good
Time taking pictures.
The weather was beautiful and after I got some snaps of the BBTC people my GF and headed out to Ebey for some camping and some low impact riding.
The trails on Ebey were in perfect condition. My knee felt better so I was able to at least ride and enjoyed myself for a nice three hour tour of Ebey. I really like this place.
After the Ride I prepared my Usual campfire cuisine. Tonight it was Muscovy Duck Breast with Haricot Verts (French Long Beans), Fire Roasted Fingerling Potatoes,
Caramelized Shallots, and a Nice Stone Ground Mustard Sauce.

The Second Dish was Chipotle Smoked Baby Back Ribs with Carmel Honey BBQ Sauce and Camp Made
Pico De Gallo. We dined and Drank and Had a great time.
Got some really good Sleep and awoke to blue skies and a nice two hour ride. I really Love the Bluff trail first thing in the morning.
It makes you LOVE Washington! Headed back Via Deception Pass and Stopped to see the Guys at Bicycle Center in Everett. Nice Shop.
If any of you at the Race want the full size images drop me an Email. I got Pics of other Racers so if you Email me your Race number I can see If I have some Images.
Fabien, I think I have some of you too...
Thanks for the Great time and the race. Hope some of you people can join me on my campouts this summer. I love Cooking for a group!! I think you might like it too!
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