Food For Life...
Published Wednesday, January 18, 2006 by Eric Floyd | E-mail this post

I haven't done a food shoot in a long time! So I have got some time with the recent rains and decided to go for it. I used my Speedotron Force 10 monolights with soft boxes and some food that I picked up from the local Market. I used a Jumbo Prawn, Some Baby carrots, a Basil Parmesan Ravioli, some Chili oil and Pesto. Dish Looked Great going into the shoot and photographed fairly well(first shoot in a while and I was a little Rusty) but tasted Top Notch. I

am real critical about these shots so here are the mistakes. 1. To many carrots. 2. Ravioli is Sloppy. 3. Wrong Angle, although this is being really nit picky. If I was to do it over I would Bunch the carrots closer and trim the carrots better. I would slightly season the ravioli with some sort of ground red pepper for aesthetic purposes. This should be a weekly series. It just takes so much time for shoots like this. Not only do you have set up the Camera

equipment but have to prepare the food and than shoot it. Lot of work!

Today I went into work for a couple hours to make the food for the Cover shoot of the WAC Magazine. Food Looked good and we'll see how the Photos turn out.
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