Tuesday At Tokul WEst
Published Wednesday, May 17, 2006 by Eric Floyd | E-mail this post
What great weather we have been having and the trails are really Dry!!! I posted our usual ride for Tuesday night in place of Erik A. as he was out due to his wife getting surgery. Bob B emailed me before the ride and said he a had a great Route for the ride and he would love to show us so I said that would be great! And GREAT it was! 17 riders ( yes 17) Took the Usual Route up Pink Ribbon, Up Bypass and to the fire road to the end of Mouse Trap or what I thought

was Mousetrap. We Headed up the Trail I usually come down and this was a great climb with some tech and nice workout factors. We arrived at the Intersection for upper Outback and Bob B informed the Group that there were two ways down. Make a left and Right for Upper Outback or a Left and Left for a new trail that was called "Mousetrap". I was confused seeing that I thought we had just come up Mousetrap. I followed Bob Down Mousetrap and what a great trail it was! Bob Said that he modeled it after Rat Pac and it was quite loose and still needed some more riding but what a great trail. Plenty of Tech with a nice rock drop at the Bottom, this trail had it all. High Swoopy Berms with nice tech switchbacks. We then headed back to the Lower Outback Trail head and that I have been down many times before. Bob Informed me that we would veer left in a few yards off of outback and on to outhouse. I had seen this trail before but didn't know about it so never took it. Holy S*&*@! This trail was Soooo Nice! Fast, Lots of Flow and really GOOOOD! When Outhouse was over we climbed steakhouse back to the road. Steakhouse would be nice going down but a nice climb none the less. The glory of going back up steakhouse is that you can ride back down outback, thus getting two really nice sections of Downhill Flow.

We rode outback all the way down to the skidder road and regrouped. There we smiles as far as the eye could see. We rode the skidder road to Full Bench. Bob Said that this was his favorite trail at Tokul west and I Can Understand why! Nice flow through the top sections that are followed by some of the most Tech switchbacks that you can imagine! Really Loose and Tight! Just how I like em! We cleaned the Bridge at the end of Full Bench and regrouped. Everyone seemed to be having a great time but you could see some were getting a bit tired but still having a good time. We then headed up the fire road to Bobsled. This trail was still relatively new at the start but got really good as it progressed. We then hit Monster Trail that was real FAST and Swoopy and I really liked that! Down Zoom Zoom to the SVT and some of us optioned for the trail after the SVT cutoff back to the cars and rode the Bridge at the top with a fast and Swoopy trail to a nice Drop off with two different options at the end. We met at the Parking lot across from the gun shop and everyone seemed to have had a great time. Total 13 miles, 1300 feet of climbing and a whole lot of fun! Props go out to Christine and Dave as they are real new to the club and did a great job with this more than "Social" Pace ride !! Thanks Bob for "Leading" Such a great ride and everyone else who came out. This was the best ride in a while...

P.S. We missed you "E" Tuesdays are not the same without you! Also best whishes go out to David E. Hope that your knee heals soon. And Where are you WALT!
Eric Floyd
Where is this trail i keep heaing about?