In the Little town of Roslyn, Washington on the East Side of Snoqulamie Pass is a Trail System Called Rat Pac. My Good Friend Erik has always spoke very Highly of this trail system with it's Fast Flowing singletrack to it's high Berms and Compression Drops. There are also some elevated features, Ladders, Stunts, and Jumps. So 22 riders leave the parking lot in Roslyn and head up to the Top of Rat PAc. It was really hot and being that were not used to the heat here in Seattle the sweat was pouring from body. I decided to Bring the Nomad with New MAxxis Minion UST Tubeless Tires. These tires are super Sticky and at 2.5 they are also super wide and very heavy! I also opted to bring the Full Face Helmet, Full Pads and my Downhill Backpack. There were some pretty Tough hills and I really noticed the 38-39lbs of the Nomad and had to push rather than ride more than a few times. We finally get to the top to regroup and

Pad Up. We than head into the trails. Real nice with lots of flow. Bob B, Brad, and myself led the charge and were really hauling. Bob and Brad are awesome riders and we were having a great time. This being my first time here the stunts would come up real quickly leaving not much time to see the other side or check them out. There were a few stunts that I would not hit but most I would on a second time around. I did however clean about half of them. The compression jumps were real nice and the high berms were really fun. The Jumps were small to Medium but real fun with the Gap over the Log being the Best. The best part about this trail is there are ride arounds for all of the stunts so riders of all abilities can ride here. The Last Stunt was a Skinnie Bridge (about 10 inches wide) over a ravine. To come off of the Bridge would mean a 10 foot drop to the bottom, not something that I wanted to experience. So as I rode into the Feature my mind took over and before I knew I was over the Bridge. Smooth as silk and I really nailed it! I love the feeling of accoplishment after riding such difficult features. WE that proceeded to head back up a looooong Fire Road to the exit trail and Rode Back down to the Parking Lot. The Last Trail was very fast and we really enjoyed ourselves! Thanks Erik A for a great ride and also for driving! Your new truck ROCKS!
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